The other day, I was teaching one of my friends how to cook for the first time, we were talking
ground level stuff , this person did not have many skills in the kitchen, so we started off with a very basic dish, and I just took them along for that journey and taught them things along the way, but what I was realizing was how many
tips and
tricks and skills you can learn from one dish. I started pointing out all these things, things
that I take for granted that can actually make you a much better cook. So that's what this series is going to be about. It's going to be
breaking down one dish extremely
in depth , going through all of the
, all of the skills that you might not be thinking about, maybe you don't know about that can make that dish incredible, but also can just
enhance your
in general. So if you guys have been a subscriber for years, a lot of these things might be a little too basic for you and that is alright, that means you're already a great cook but I know there are a ton of beginners out there and this series is going to be perfection, it is really going to take your cooking skills from that base level to the top,
to the top notch , you'll be cooking better than the
brothers Green in no time.
So the first
we are going to start out with is one of my favorites, something I've been cooking for years, it's a
stir fry and if you can master just the stir fry with some meat or some fish, you can cook that dish for the rest of your life and probably be satisfied, at least some type of variation of it so let's get after it.
We're gonna do a chicken and vegetable stir-fry because that's what I have in the fridge but feel free to
sub out the chicken for any type of meat or any type of fish and that goes for the vegetables as well, you can sub those out for whatever you have, these tips are still going to work great for
whatever you guys have in your fridge.
Tip number two is
evening out your meat and as you can see, this chicken
uneven , we've got a
thick side and a
thin side and chicken is already extremely difficult to cook because it
dries out so easily, so evening out the meat is going to help you so much
in the long run . We're going to put it in a bag, something that protects it from the cutting board and
pound it out until it is nice and
even , so that thick side you can just kind of work on that until it mimics the thin side.
Tip number three is a
two-parter and it deals with the
seasoning of the actual meat, so we are going to hit it with salt and pepper and you want to make sure you have enough seasoning, because remember, you are seasoning just the outside of the meat and that has to
the entire piece, so just think about it like when you're biting into a piece of meat, the only
you're going to taste is that
outer layer . If you tend to follow recipes, a lot of times, they
skimp on the salt and your stuff turns out
and that is probably the easiest way to
screw up a dish, so make sure you've got enough seasoning on there to really bring out the flavors, and then the next part is just
let that sit for a little bit, if you're not going to cook your meat for a little bit, just put it in the fridge, let it dry out, so the salt is actually going to pull a lot of
moisture out of the chicken, which is going to help with that caramelizing. So if you just let that sit for at least 15 minutes before it goes into the pan, you'll see, it's going to start
pulling out that liquid and then again just give that another pet dry and you are well on your way to
crispy skin.
Tip number four is controlling the
of your pan which seems so obvious, but I see this all the time whether using gas or electric, there isn't just one
setting , I swear, there's a ton of control when it comes to the actual heat, you've got a very low
simmer , you've got a
, you've got a medium, you've got a
, and then you've got a high heat, so there's
a whole range of heat settings and it's just something you've got to get used to, but remember throughout your cooking process, you have the ability to control that thing, so if things get too crazy and too hot, just turn it down, and if you're not getting the action you want, just turn it up, so you are the master of your heat settings.
That brings us to tip number five which is making sure you've got enough
in that pan, so things cook
properly and don't burn. Another one I see all the time, people are skimping out on the oil or
, maybe it's
health reasons, they're a little scared of it I would say if you're scared of using too much oil, just try to get a
healthy oil which isn't going to be bad for you and make sure you put enough in the pan so you can cook your stuff properly.
So tip number six is make sure you
that pan first before you add the oil, so once it's lightly smoking, then add your oil because if you add it earlier, it's going to start to
as it heats up , so you want the least amount of time with that oil in the pan. Now, we are going to slide in that chicken and get that
crispiness and we're not trying to blast this chicken away, we are trying to slowly develop the
over time, that's why we've got that medium low heat going, so I'm cooking it for about four minutes on one side and you'll see that little white ring starting to develop and that is cooked chicken right there, and we're just gonna check the crust every now and then, and right there, the crust is not good enough
for my liking , so we put it back for another minute and then we hit our perfect
, right there,
flip that chicken over and then it's always going to be a little less time on the other side, so cook that side for about two to three minutes.
So, tip number seven when you're feeling that chicken and it's nice and firm but it still has a little bit of give, you can pull it, and you don't have to cook it completely through, especially with chicken breast because it
so early, so I would recommend
pulling it just a little bit early, and then
wrapping it in
tin foil because it's still gonna cook a few degrees, that's like a master chef tip right there, pulling that meat early so it just comes up to that
Tip number eight is a two-parter: one, make sure you let the meat sit for at least 10 minutes, it's gonna
those juices and stay nice and juicy, and the other one is, if you get any juice that separates from the meat, just like this, and that's normally going to happen with meat after a few minutes, some of it will
seep out . Make sure you do not
get rid of that juice, that is extra flavor, you do not want to leave any meat juice behind, so save that and you can use that in your dish later, which you will see coming up soon.
Moving on to the veggies and tip number nine is prepping everything before you actually cook, which is so important especially when you're dealing with
because you don't want to be cooking and cutting all the time. I used to do that when I was younger and things got a little out of control, and I still do that from time to time when I'm lazy, it's not the end of the world but if you want perfection with your food, it's much easier if everything is prepped out. So here are the veggies we are using with our stir-fry and we are going to prep all of this stuff, which means just washing everything and
chop ping it up how you like it. We've got the mushrooms, we're going to give those a
, I've got this little piece of onion, I am going to chop that up as well, here's a quick little bonus tip, when you are cutting
zucchini , if you're having trouble getting even pieces because it's uneven, like that, just cut it where it's uneven, now you have two pieces that are a little more
straight and that will help with your actual cutting. Another little cutting technique is, if you've got this spinach right here, it's got the
stem and it's got the
leaf , sometimes the stem isn't going to come with it, it's going to be already pre-chopped, but if it comes like this, you can just chop that off because we've got the delicate
leaf which is going to cook differently than the stem, and I'm actually going to put the stem with the
. So we're going to wash that spinach, we're going to get all those veggies prepped, then I'm going to move on to cutting the aromatics for this dish, we've got a little bit of chili, we've got a little bit of garlic, that I'm going to slice up and then some ginger that I'm going to chop up, and just keep those all together. Okay we've got everything prepped out, we've got everything in place, but we need a plan.
That is the next tip, creating a plan to execute this stuff because if you don't have a plan, things are gonna go to s**t in the kitchen. So really, there's no perfect way to cook anything, but there are some good techniques that will help you execute really good tasting food, and that is gonna happen over time with a lot of practice, but what we're gonna do is, we're just gonna look at all of our prep food, and we're just gonna start
pondering , we're just gonna start thinking about when these things
. So if you got something like zucchini maybe, that will go a little later of course, the spinach is delicate so the first thing we are going to start out with is cooking the onions and the mushrooms, I thought they would cook well together because they're very similar in size, so we are going to use that chicken fat, all of that
in there, that oil, do not
throw that out, throw the mushrooms and the onions right in there, cook them for a few minutes just to get those started, then I'm going to dump in my aromatics, so I usually wait a little bit because aromatics will burn on a high temperature. Those are little skills you learn over time, so the aromatics are going in a few minutes later, let those cook down and that brings me to my next tip which is not overcooking your vegetables.
So we've got this zucchini right here and we're going to throw that in much later in the process, maybe five minutes after the onions, and everything else start cooking because zucchini will overcook and turn
mushy , and maybe you like that, I used to
overcook zucchini all the time, but the truth is vegetables are delicious
raw , and you don't need to cook them
all the way through , they are good with a little bit of that snap, a little bit of that
retain some of that texture.
The next tip is just letting things "
chill , I see this all the time, people are going crazy, they're
stir ring it, they get that ATD in the kitchen, and they're scared to just
, maybe they're a little nervous that things are going to burn, but if you don't let things relax in that pan, they're not going to get that nice crust, so sometimes, just let your food relax there, let it build up that delicious flavor
on the bottom . As you can see, I let the zucchini sit for about a minute,
it, and then look at that beautiful color, that is flavor right there, then you can stir it around, let it sit again, let those flavors develop. After that cooks for about two or three minutes, we're gonna add in that spinach and that's just gonna wilt down very quickly. So after that spinach is nicely
wilted , I am going to slice up that chicken, and look how beautiful that is, because we took the time to
flatten it out and salt it, it's cooked perfectly and it's juicy. I'm gonna throw that into the stir-fry along with the juice. Do not forget that meat juice.
Now we are moving on to the next tip which is properly seasoning your food. We have some very basic seasonings right here, and I could get into a whole video about this, so we're just going to keep it really simple. We've got
soy sauce, we've got a little bit of
, and we've got some rice vinegar. So if you think about seasoning, we've got salt already in the dish, just plain salt, we're going to add a little bit of soy, which is another salty product, and that is just bringing out the flavors and also adding a little bit of that extra fermented funk of the soy sauce. We're going to go in with just a little bit of sesame oil, and remember be careful with the sesame oil, it is a very strong seasoning, and you can't
take away , so just start off slow and
work your way up , and then the last seasoning which is so important, you hear chefs talking about it all the time, is
. So this means lemons, limes, and
, anything with acidity which is really gonna make your food pop. So if the salt is bringing out and
enhancing the flavor of the food, the acidity is just gonna make it brighter and sing to the heavens. Just give that
a few stirs around, make sure you get those seasonings nice and incorporated into that dish.
That looks beautiful and ready to go which brings us to our last tip which is presentation, which is an important one for me. Not everyone really cares, which is all right, but I think if your food looks better, it's gonna be more enjoyable, it's gonna complete that circle, so just get something nice to present it in, and then of course, you can
it, and you guys already know what I'm gonna garnish this with, which is the
scallywags , and the
, the Mike’s special finish that baby off and enjoy.
Look at that thing I've been cooking stir fries for years; it was one of the first things I learned how to cook and I'm still learning and I'm still getting better; most of cooking is just
honing in on your skills and
improving ; which brings me to my last point which is you gotta practice guys; you gotta get in the kitchen and you gotta just continue to develop your skills. Really cooking is just about concentrating on what you're doing and you will pick up on things intuitively on your own and you will get better so just get over those fears, just keep doing it and you will be an
awesome cook in no time.