Let's say you have a friend that wants you to teach him how to make pizza. Better yet, his mom wants you to teach him how to make pizza. To do this , you would have to what the goal of this little training would be. Does she want him to know how to build every type of pizza, from four cheese to Alfredo chicken to stuffed crust? Or does she just have a certain type of pizza in mind? Finding out and making a can save a lot of time and effort. In this case, you would simply have to talk to your friend's mom. She is your client. Once you have clearly defined what your instructional goals are, you will be better equipped to the instruction. Let's say your friend's mom wants him to learn how to make a simple pepperoni pizza. That's the instructional goal. Good.
Step 4 is creating
. Learning objectives are what students
when instruction is completed. They are usually in the form of
, attitude, or
. A good way to write a learning objective is to
fill in the following sentence: ‘By the time a student finishes this course, he or she should be able to . . .’ This is another time when we have to be very
, and use strong verbs that specifically define
. In our example, we know our instructional goal is to teach your friend how to make a pizza. But we need to be more specific with our learning objectives. Based on what we learned in our instructional analysis and learner analysis, we can come up with some good learning objectives, like this. At the end of our course, our student should be able to:
1. Describe how to make pizza dough
from scratch .
2. Demonstrate how to roll it out
evenly .
3. Show how to add sauce, cheese, and pepperoni correctly.
4. Explain at what temperature the pizza needs to be cooked, and for how long. Knowing what our learning objectives are is going to go a long way in helping us design our
So that’s a basic
overview of the Analysis phase of the ADDIE model. Can you see how doing this
groundwork before creating instructional materials can help you utilize your
better? Good. Next, we’ll talk about the Design phase. Thanks for watching.