Blended learning

   apply      assignment      available      confused      disabilities      engage      go through it      learning science      pace      passive listening      While   

By putting their content online, students can move at their own . Those who are familiar with the material can quickly—even watching it at an increased speed! others who aren’t as familiar with it can pause to take notes, rewatch it, or call up other resources to help them understand a concept being explained.
An additional benefit for all students is that they can choose to with the material when they’re most alert, which satisfies both the early bird and the night owl. And for those students who have can take the breaks that they need without having to worry about missing out or distracting others.
Putting work assignments back in the classroom also has a number of benefits from a perspective.
A lot of students describe the frustration of feeling like they understand a concept in class, but then being when they go home and try to it to an . This is also supported by research—we learn best through active work, not .
Doing work assignments during class time means that teachers are when students need them the most—when they are trying to apply their knowledge.