Blended learning

Another challenge is that the materials are being and independently consumed by the students, and they’re coming to class prepared.
This can be incentivized by closely tying in-class work assignments to the content that is being delivered online, and can often be with learning platforms.
Finally, one of the biggest challenges to blended learning is that it really changes the role of the teacher to that of a and puts students in the of their own learning—teaching them how to think as well as what to learn.
This is an important one and buy-in from both the teacher and the student to be successful.
When it's done right, though, blended learning can lead to a much more and learning experience for both parties!
Alright, so , blended learning combines online with in-person instruction, and one type of blended learning is the flipped classroom, where students consume their lecture resources at home and spend class time doing in-class activities. This allows the teacher to change from a passive ‘sage-on-the-stage’, to a more active ‘guide-on-the-side,’ facilitating a student-focused learning model.