Be likely to

BE LIKELY TO permet d'exprimer une action probable, vraisemblable

It is likely to rain tommorow. -> Il va probablement pleuvoir demain.

On peut exprimer la forme négative de deux façons.
It is not likely to rain tomorrow / it is unlikely to rain tomorrow.

Travaillons sur quelques phrases.
if everyone agrees on something, you are more likely to agree with them rather than voice a different opinion on that object.

For example let's say a person buys an apple product, let's say it's a macbook instead of a
windows PC. Well he's more likely to ignore the downsides or the faults of the Apple computer while pointing out the downsides of the PC, and he's more likely to notice the advantages of the Apple computer .

Let's try!
Il est fort probable que l'on clique sur des liens vers des vidéos qui confirment nos croyances.
We very click on links to videos that confirm our beliefs.

Si vous êtes moins affecté par les biais que la moyenne, il y a plus de chances que vous basiez votre jugement sur des faits et statistiques.
If you are less biased than the average person, you base your judgment on facts and statistics