15 Differentiated Instruction Strategies

Number one is create learning stations. Provide different types of by setting up learning stations. For example, students can between stations that watching a video, creating artwork, and completing puzzles.

Number two is use task cards. Like learning stations, task cards allow you to give students a of content. Answering task cards can also be a small group activity, adding to classes that normally solo or large group learning.

Number three. Interview students. Asking questions about learning and studying styles can help you
the kinds of content that will meet your classes needs.
your results to identify themes and students with uncommon preferences, helping you determine which
their abilities.

Number four. Target different senses within lessons. A lesson should resonate with students if it targets visual, , , and senses instead of only one. Not only will these tactics help more students
concept of lessons, they make class more .

Number five. Share your own
. To familiarize students with the idea of differentiated learning, you may find it beneficial to explain that not everyone builds and information the same way.

Number six. Use the think-pair-share strategy. The think-pair-share strategy exposes students to three lesson processing experiences within one activity. As the strategies’ name implies, start by asking students to individually think about a given topic or answer a specific question. Next, to discuss their results and . Finally, have each pair share their ideas with the rest of the class and open the floor for discussion.

Number seven. Make time for
journalingtenir, écrire un journal
. A journal can be a for students to on the lessons you've taught and activities you've run, helping them process new information.

Number eight. Run literature circles. Organizing students into literature circles not only encourages students to and inform each other's understanding of reading, but helps auditory and retain more information.

Number nine. Group students with similar learning styles. Heterogeneous grouping is a common practice for grouping students based on similar style can through common work and thinking practices. This allows
like-mindedqui a les mêmes idées, le même état d'esprit
students to support each other's learning while giving you time to spend with each group

Number ten. Assign
open-endedouvert, libre
projects. Give your students a list of projects to find one that lets them effectively . Include a clear for each type of project which clearly

Number eleven. Teach up. Teaching at a level that's to each student can
harmnuire à
your differentiated instruction efforts. Teaching up
allows you to focus your differentiated teaching strategy and bring each student up to
high endhaut de gamme
curriculum and

Number twelve. Use math EdTech that to each student. Some EdTech tools such as certain educational math video games can deliver differentiated content while providing to process it. For example, prodigy game adjusts questions to
tackles'attaquer à, aborder
student and offers math problems that use words, , and pictures as well as numbers.

Number thirteen. Relate maths to personal interest and everyday examples. A 2015 study published by the Canadian Centre of science and education used to teach
integersnombres entiers
and increased test scores by more than 44 percent.

Number fourteen. Play a version of tic-tac-toe. Prepare by dividing a sheet into squares, three vertical by three horizontal, then fill the boxes with questions that test different abilities. You can hand out sheets to students for solo practice or divide them into pairs and encourage friendly competition. The first one to three X's or Os by correctly completing questions wins.

Number fifteen. Analyze your differentiated instruction strategy on a regular basis. Carol Ann Tomlinson, one of the most topic-thought leaders recommends analyzing your strategy. Frequently reflect on the match between your classroom and the philosophy of teaching and learning you want to practice. Look for matches and mismatches and use both to guide you.