Hey everybody, my name is Elisabeth, but my
call me Lisa. Glad to meet you! I'm
in your school, so let me tell you more about
! I was
in the Basque Country a month before
, so I am 12 years old. I have a sister who is twelve years
than me, her name is Julie, she
in Paris, and I
miss her and love her so much. My parents are
still and live
. My dad is a
. My mum used to be an
, but now she
drama and
books. She was born in Prague, the capital of the Czech Republic and her dad was from Vienna. So I am
Czech and a little bit
Austrian too. Since the day I was born, we have
a lot. I
grew up in Bogotá, Colombia. In
, we
back to France, we
in Alsace and in the
French Riviera. We also lived in Vancouver BC.
Actually, I
only two months
. I must confess I was totally sad about leaving
, my friends, my teachers, but now, I am feeling much better. My dad sure was lucky to get a
here in the Lot. It's such a
, and the people are
too. We are renting an
amazing old
in the Bel Air, in the middle of a small
by a
stone wall. There are bats
nestled under our
roof and you can find
in the park. It's so
. I like my new school
and I think my new friends are just
. Gosh, I'm afraid this introduction is getting way too long. So
for now, and I
you all a very good
here for the solution if you are stuck.