Flappers - Summary

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In 1920, women got the right to . It was a new era of . Women started emancipating, became more modern and rejected traditional Victorian . They were called .
Flappers had a distinctive called the bobbed cut. They also wore straight, loose-fitting with bare arms and low . The dress length usually stopped just below the , which would have been considered a decade before. This allowed the young women to perform new such as the Charleston or the Shimmy.
Flappers also wore lots of . Several layers of beaded necklaces, pins, rings, and were all common. The flappers engaged in many different types of behavior that, at the time, were not considered as lady-like. They bicycles, automobiles, they listened to jazz music, smoked cigarettes, alcohol, and danced.
Many people did not like their style and thought that that their style of dress was not only , but “near nakedness”. They were often as being flippant, unintelligent, and reckless.