Handwashing is something we all learned at a very young age. But if you want to work as a
, it’s important to relearn this
in the proper way that
complies with the Health Department guidelines. But first, let’s review when it’s important to
Wash your hands
the day, even when hands look clean, to keep
out of your body, and the food you prepare. Always wash before you begin food preparation, and when you have been contaminated by
to potential germs. Contamination can be caused by using the bathroom, touching one’s face or nose, handling
, fish or
, sneezing,
or blowing one’s nose, handling
or dirty dishes, handling animals, money, or using
. Or after taking a break eating or smoking.
You must always wash your hands
putting on food service gloves. If you aren’t sure if a wash is necessary, wash anyway, just to be safe. Proper handwashing is a six step process that
requires a handwashing
sink with hot and cold running water, soap and paper
or other
drying method.
Step 1: get hands wet with warm water.
Step 2: apply soap and
. Remember to pay attention to your entire hand when washing.
Step 3: scrub your hands together for 10 to 15 seconds.
Step 4 scrub the backs of your hands and between your fingers, a common
for bacteria. Scrub your forearms, they frequently touch food, food prep services and
Step 5: rinse hands to send the
soap suds and germs down the
drain . Rinse with warm water for about 5 seconds to fully
remove the soap.
Step 6: after rinsing, dry hands and forearms using either a
paper towel, air dryer, or a continuous
that supplies a clean towel each time.
It’s important to know that
may be helpful on clean hands but are not
for handwashing. Always remember that handwashing is the most important safety tool to
get rid of the germs that make people ill. When in doubt, wash!