The development phase

   actual course materials      allotted time      consist of      curriculum developers      feedback assessment      final say      hold a review session      instructional activities      instructional designers      instructional strategy      starting point      thorough      training specialists   

ADDIE is an instructional design model that helps instructors, and plan and create instruction. The Addie model is used to create all kinds of instruction, from showing auto mechanics students how to repair carburetors to training astronauts on launch procedures. In this presentation, however, we will use simpler examples to illustrate the Addie principles.
The Addie model includes five phases: analysis, design, development, implementation and evaluation. Let's take a closer look at the third phase, the development phase.
During the development phase, create a sample, develop the and conduct a run-through.

Sample Instruction. Let's say you have a newspaper route and your boss wants you to teach his kid how to do it while you're away on vacation. After going through the analysis and design phases, you'll want to create a sample of your instructional materials and show them to your boss. This may a portion of the map you are going to create and a paragraph or two of the written instructions you are going to write, as well as the you developed during the design phase. Since he is your client and is going to have in the instruction, you're going to want to show him your progress and get his ideas and feedback. You don't want to go to the trouble of creating all your instructional materials and then find out that he didn't like the approach you made or that there was something wrong with them.

Course Materials. After you and your client are sufficiently satisfied with the sample instruction, it is time to dig in and develop the course materials. You should have already decided which to include during the design phase when you made your instructional strategy. Use that and the sample instruction you made as a and keep the comments and feedback from your client in mind. When you are finished developing the course materials, with your client and see if he or she has any more comments or suggestions.
Run-through. Once you have created your course materials and gone through them with your client, it will be time to conduct our run-through of your instruction. This is a real-time rehearsal of the course, using all the materials and media you have created, and in our simple example, this could be showing a friend the instructions and map you created, as well as a walkthrough of your paper route if that was part of your instructional strategy. You would treat your friend as if she were the actual student, in this case your boss's kid. It's a good idea to prepare a ahead of time as well to find out if there are any areas you can improve on. You'll want to time your run-through as well if your boss was only going to give you an hour to train his kid, you're going to want to make sure you can do it in the .

Conclusion so that's a basic overview of the development phase of the Addie model. If you've done a analysis and design, the development phase will go a lot smoother though it still takes time to create quality instructional materials .
Next we'll take a closer look at the implementation phase. Thanks for watching.