Memorization Methods and Why They Work

   allowing      comprehend      encode      focus      grid      hard drive      increase the odds      Instead of      more likely to      more meaningful      neurons      own mental connections      practice      recall      recall process      store      the more      the stronger      visual image      Visualization   

We're about to show you a of images. You'll have a few seconds to memorize them. Ready? Go. [Music]
Time's up. Not so easy, was it? Memorizing things isn't always easy. Computers all of their files on a ready to be opened at a moment's notice. But the human brain works a bit differently. When we study something like a scientific term, a bunch of cells called start talking with each other, making connections about that word and its definition. Then, when we're trying to remember that term later on, our neurons work together and
those connections.
So often we study something, these connections become, making it easier for us to . A better memory.

So let's apply this to studying. Before trying to memorize something, it's important that you understand it. If you're studying for a test and find that you don't fully something, take time to learn more about it, whether it's a math formula or a vocab word, if you have a strong understanding of it, your brain will form more connections, you to remember it more easily.

Chunkingcouper en morceaux
is the process of breaking information down and organizing it into groups. We do this naturally with phone numbers. memorizing the digits individually, we chunk them into small groups. Let's take a look at this list of vocab words, pretty long and intimidating. Luckily we can categorize them into smaller, groups. In doing so ,we're creating relationships between the words which can help during the .

involves creating an image in your mind that accompanies the idea or term that you want to memorize. When you study something, like this definition, you're creating a verbal memory of it, or a series of words. But if we take that definition and create a to accompany it, we're giving our brain two different ways to recall the information, visually and verbally.

Talking aloudparler à voix haite
when studying can help of committing something to memory. Psychologists found that you're remember something if you speak it instead of reading it silently. This is called the production effect: by reading something aloud, we're not only saying it, but we're also hearing and seeing it too, giving our brain three different ways to that information instead of just one.

You can test how well you've memorized something by teaching it to others. This can help you to make your about the material while you're explaining it or answering any questions your partner might have. And if you're not able to fully explain something, then you'll know what you need to on.
Now, these methods don't work like magic. You'll need to put the time in to study. After all memory is a skill, and like any skill, it's something you need to .