Mistakes travelers make while on vacation

That first drink when you get off the plane good but beware! Hi I am Rebecca Brayton welcome to watchmojo.com and today we’ll be learning but some of the that make when on vacation.

Apparently people make the most mistakes while on vacation on their first 72 hours, why is that ?
Ninety of the people will commit a faux pas when they arrive. The first thing normally, is when you arrive from the plane trip with your and everything, and then at the hotel, before , they give you the first drink, the welcome drink with in it and and then that's it, you may already be . After that, you go to the , it looks just like at home or even better, so you forget about all the that you should take, and of course, you‘re , so you need to drink something, it’s hot you welcome ice cubes that you should avoid, especially when the staff at the hotel tell you that 'Oh! no it’s , don't worry!' it is not, even in the best conditions.

You're saying don't drink the water and don't the ice, what do we do then ?
Then you just need to drink water, bottle water, any carbohydrated drinks, beer why not, and anything that is so fruit juice in a , fruit juice in a bottle are safe.
So you're saying to these lovely drinks that we've got behind us?
Exactly, unfortunately, unless you avoid the ice in it, so if it’s made from a prepared cocktail that is in a fridge, and then you just pour it in your glass you just ask no ice please and then you‘re fine.

Finally, what are some that people should take to make sure they have a great vacation ?
They should get before they go, they should see a family or an expert in travel medecine to get the proper vaccines, the proper recommendations and of course some prescriptions, you should read about the , which is so easy now with the web, you can get all sort of information with excellent websites. You should also be concerned with any activities that you get involved with because is the number one reason for for most young travelers, car accidents and are the number one cause of death. You should try to refrain from drinking too much, it doesn't mean that drinking people go away to have fun to get on a party, it's fine, but be careful with how much you take and, if you plan to have a lot of fun, bring what is required to protect yourself from like HIV which is quite prevalent in the Carribeans and of course other sexually transmitted disease.
Thank you very much.
You're welcome