"Escape Rooms" are a form of that debuted in the 2010s that can be used, with some careful modifications, as a .

In the usual escape room, several people are "locked" in a room pre-set with several overlapping . Using they uncover around the room and their wits, the participants methodically each puzzle, often by opening various types of that contain further clues in succession, until the final lock them from the room. They are battling a clock (usually 60 minutes), but can ask for from a game host watching the action via video.

Since the entertainment versions of escape rooms use dedicated spaces (not to mention highly themed environments) and have much smaller numbers of participants than a typical classroom, must be undertaken to use escape rooms as a classroom pedagogy.

Most often, the emphasis of the educational escape room is not on the learning within the allotted time of the game itself, but rather in the within the debrief period. The game itself merely provided the for which to create a rich reflective process.