You hated it,
You don't like me,
He isn't Australian,
He plays for the English team,
He will come to the party,
He hasn't got much time left,
They didn't finish on time,
He won't come,
You have no idea,
You knew this would happen,
You have enjoyed it,
You won't tell him,
It's all true,
I'm good,
He's not French,
You hated it,
You should consider changing jobs,
He finished 3rd,
You play tennis,
He's sick,
He doesn't come very often,
Your name is Cathy,
You're Cathy,
They lost the game,
This is yours,
He'll never learn,
They won't win,
You know that's the right thing to do,
He needs to see a doctor,
There's a cinema on High Street,
You can't do it,
I'm so stupid,
He put the suitcase in the bus,
I don't suppose you could give me a lift,
didn't you?
do you?
is he?
doesn't he?
won't he?
has he?
did they?
will he?
do you?
didn't you?
haven't you?
willl you?
isn't it?
aren't I? / Am I not?
is he?
didn't you?
shouldn't you?
didn't he?
don't you?
isn't he?
does he?
isn't it?
aren't you?
didn't they?
isn't it?
will he?
will they?
don't you?
doesn't he?
isn't there?
can you?
aren't I?
didn't he?
could you?