Tina is talking about the environment.

Where I come from in the United States, citizens are pretty concerned about the environment. In the Seattle area, we have a really good recycling program. At people’s homes, apartment buildings, and businesses, recycling is very important and there is roadside pick-up with recycling trucks, just like there is roadside pick-up with garbage trucks. This makes it easy for people to recycle plastics, glass, cans, cardboard, yard-waste (like leaves, cut grass, and branches) and compost (like food waste). It’s pretty popular, also, to advertize businesses and buildings as “eco friendly”, meaning not harmful to the environment. For example, there are “eco friendly” laundromats, cleaning services, limousine and taxi services, hotels, and office buildings. These businesses claim that the products they use or the way their buildings are constructed are less detrimental to the environment. Sometimes you can find buildings with “green roofs” where the roof of the building is covered in growing plants! Not only does it look nice, but it can actually help catch rainwater and reduce the amount of runoff water which is disturbing to the health of marine and aquatic life in the Seattle area. Also, driving around Seattle, you might notice a lot of hybrid cars, such as the Toyota Prius. There are lots of cars in Seattle which use part battery part gasoline to run, and these models of cars are said to have less of a negative impact on the environment.
citoyens ->
commerces ->
point de collecte -> -
camion de ramassage des déchets recyclables ->
camion poubelle ->
canettes ->
carton ->
feuilles ->
faire de la publicité pour ->
non nuisible ->
laveries automatiques->
prétendre ->
moins néfaste ->
toîts ->
eaux d'écoulement ->
fonctionner ->
on dit que ces modèles de voitures ont moins... -> ...

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