Talking about the future
Match the items on the right to the items on the left.
In the future,
When I'm retired,
I will try to be back before 5 o'clock,
Don't insist, I won't tell you,
I will be a bit late,
Nadal won't be able to play the final
You will have to do much better than that
You won't have to be there at 8,
WIll he
Won't you
I'm afraid I won't
Will you be
teachers will be replaced by computers
I will travel the world.
but I can't promise anything, traffic can be horrible at that time.
I promised to keep the secret.
start without me.
if his knee doesnt get better.
if you want to impress her.
the meetings always start late.
help you or shall I ask someone else?
stay a little bit longer aftert he party to help us clean up?
be able to come tonight.
able to stay and help us organize the meeting?